Brief description

Dr. Christian Röhlk has been working in the field of intellectual property for more than ten years and joined ZSP in 2019. Previously, Dr. Röhlk was trained in the field of intellectual property law at a patent law firm in Munich, for which he worked following his training.

Dr. Röhlk is admitted to practice before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the German Federal Patent Court, the European Union Intellectual Property Office and the European Patent Office. Before joining ZSP, Dr. Röhlk successfully conducted numerous patent application, opposition and appeal proceedings in the fields of biochemistry, pharmacology and mechanics and provided expert opinions in these fields.

During his school education, Dr. Röhlk spent a high school year at Nacogdoches High School in Texas, USA. After graduating from high school, he first completed his military service before studying biology with a focus on cell biology at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany. Dr. Röhlk wrote his diploma thesis on epithelial defense mechanisms in the freshwater polyp Hydra in the laboratory of Prof. Thomas Bosch. In his doctoral thesis he dealt with the motor protein kinesin and its functional properties. He was supervised by Prof. Charles David, Prof. Manfred Schliwa, the president of the German Society for Cell Biology, and PD Dr. Günther Wöhlke of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. During his doctoral thesis, Dr. Röhlk moved with the research group to the Technical University of Munich.

Dr. Christian Röhlk

Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Technical expertise:
Molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology


Hansa Street 32
80686 Munich

+49 89 / 998 479 -6

+49 89 / 998 479 -79

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