Brief description

Frank Karl has been working in the field of intellectual property since 1995 and has been part of the ZSP team since 2018. His main practice areas are the drafting of German, European and international patent applications as well as the prosecution of the related grant proceedings.

Mr. Karl studied electrical engineering with specialization in theoretical electrical engineering. The topic of his diploma thesis was the "Application of cellular neural networks for the calculation of stationary electromagnetic fields".

Mr. Karl has many years of experience in preparing patent applications in the field of telecommunications for the largest German company in the electrical engineering industry and patent applications in the field of semiconductor technology for the largest German semiconductor company.

Herr Karl arbeitet bei ZSP auf dem Gebiet der Autoin­jek­toren für ein inter­na­tio­nales Unter­nehmen der Pharma­branche. Als Teil des Medizin­technik-Teams von ZSP beteiligt er sich an FTO Gutachten (Freedom to Operate) und Datamining in Anmelder-Portfolios.

Herr Karl absol­vierte den CEIPI Kurs „University Diploma – Patent Litigation in Europe“ 2023/2024. Seit Mai 2024 ist Herr Karl als Vertreter beim UPC zugelassen.

Main areas of activity

  • Medical technology: auto-injectors (drug delivery devices), dental technology, catheters for cardiac and pulmonary assistance
  • Electronic circuit technology: power-dependent voltage supply of an amplifier for brain signals, microprocessor technology, USB interface, Doherty amplifier.
  • Registration of software-based inventions (computer-implemented inventions CII): Production monitoring using statistical methods, Kalman filter, Viterbial algorithm, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
Frank Karl

Dipl.-Ing. Elektro­technik
Patent­anwalt, European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Technical expertise:
medical technology, electronic circuit technology, computer-implemented inventions (CII) and electromobility


Hansa Street 32
80686 Munich

+49 89 / 998 479 -6

+49 89 / 998 479 -79

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